A specialist course teaching you practical techniques to have a confident, empowering and more comfortable birth
Hello & Welcome
What is Hypnobirthing?
A Quick Story
What is a Positive Birth?
Factors That Can Affect The Birth Experience
Understanding The Mind
How The Uterus and Cervix Work Together
Birth Hormones
Fear, Tension, Pain
Birth Language
The Unbendable Arm Exercise
Breathing for Birth
The Countdown Visualisation
Guided Meditations
Gentle Touch Massage
What is Informed Choice
What is Informed Consent
The B.R.A.I.N Acronym
Diet & Exercise
Perineal Massage
Optimal Foetal Positioning
The Birth Environment
Am I in Labour?
Early Labour
The Up Stage (established Labour)
The Down Stage (The Birth Of the Baby)
Optimal Cord Clamping